If you have a physical business location, shop, or store, then you need a business listing with "Google My Business" and "Bing Places for Business". InnoTech can set this up and manage updates for you.

Google & Bing Business Listings

Put your local office, store, or shop on the map!

When you perform a search on Google or Bing, have you ever noticed that sometimes a local business will have an extra large display, often appearing on the right of the page?

If your small business has a physical presence (such as an office, shop, or store) which customers can visit – then InnoTech can setup and maintain one of these listings for your small business to help boost your presence on Google and Bing!

Best of all, this service is extremely affordable and does not require any on-going cost each month or each year. It's a simple, low, one-time cost to get your listing online!

Get Started

To get your business setup, you just need to contact InnoTech and provide the following information:

  • Business Name
  • Brief description of the business (one paragraph)
  • Physical Address (street, town, and zip – PO Box is prohibited)
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Website
  • Facebook Address
  • Twitter Address
  • Year and Month when business was first established
  • Indicate if your business is Woman owned
  • Hours of operation for each day of the week
  • Images – 10 images can be uploaded to your listing